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Defending Your Castle

Many people ask me about clearing your house by yourself? Different schools of thought here. There's a big difference between hearing a "Bump" in night, and going through your house making sure everything is ok, versus you know for a fact someone is inside your home going through your shit! We all will grab a weapon/firearm/bat and walk through the house looking to see what that noise was. Inside your home or even in your backyard. You can't call the police everytime you year a noise. That's not reasonable.

But when you're inside your home and you know for a fact that someone is inside your castle, things change! First, if it's just you, you and a spouse, and everyone is in one room, that makes things much simpler. You can defend a smaller space easier than an entire house. There are several unkowns you have to deal with. How many are there? Are they armed? Is it possibly family that didn't tell you they were coming over? (Many family members have been killed mistaken as intruders by homeowners) To effectively search or clear even a medium size house takes a minimum of 2 or 3 people, and that is if they are properly trained. Trying to clear your own home by yourself isn't a very safe or tactically sound option. And honestly there isn't anything of value worth your life other than what's inside the room you're in. Take a tactical position inside your room, knowing which side the hinge side is so you know which way the door opens giving you the best "first sight" view of someone coming in. Call 911 and inform them of what is happening and wait for them to arrive. Let them clear the house! You will have to let them inside unless you have an electric lock you can activate from your phone. (Not a bad idea) Let the police know what room you're in and stay secured until they arrive and announce they are inside.

If you have children/family inside the house in separate rooms, then you will have to change your tactics a bit. First, discuss with your kids/family what to do in a situation like this. Have them stay in their room, text you, and wait for you to come and get them so you can bring them back to your safe room. You might even want to minimize your exposure and move you/spouse to them and barricade that room.

The most important thing here is to have a plan you have discussed ahead of time. Knowing what to do in a crisis ahead of time puts you ahead of the OODA loop model.

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